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The ov script is the primary Open Vault command line script. This contains a number of pre-built commands to do basic operations.


ov COMMAND [args]

ov --help

  b | build           build the docker images
  c | cmd             run a compose command
  cover | coverage    Run the test suite with coverage
  d | dev             start a development server
  m | manage          run a wagtail command
  s | shell           run a django shell command with the app context
  t | test            Run the test suite
  tui                 Run an interactive TUI


b | build

Build the docker images locally.

Pass options to docker build

Additional docker arguments can be passed to this command.

For example, to force a rebuild of the images:

ov b --no-cache

c | cmd

Run a docker compose command with the base config files in place.

d | dev

Run Development Environment
Run the development environment, with docker compose, and follow container logs.

Pass options to docker compose

Additional compose arguments can be passed. For example, to rebuild the containers before running:

ov d --build

m | manage

Run a command in the docker context.

s | shell

Enter into a python django shell interpreter, with the application context loaded.


The following are some useful examples of development commands that might be run:

Migrate database

Generating the migration files can be accomplished with:

ov m makemigrations

To Run the database migrations:

ov m migrate

Show the logs

Show the docker compose logs

ov c logs

Show logs for just the frontend

ov c logs ov-frontend