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About the Stack

Open Vault is deployed as a number of separate services, built as docker images with GitHub Actions, deployed in a kubernetes cluster, and managed by Argo-CD.


Production deployments are run in a Kubernetes cluster, using images built by our CI/CD pipeline.

Deployment yamls are stored in this repository in subfolders by service.


Each component of the stack is deployed as a set of Kubernetes resources. They consist of:


A node is a physical or virtual machine that the cluster is running on. The cluster is made up of a number of nodes, which are managed by the cluster.


An image is a docker container containing all the code needed to run a single service.


A pod is the smallest unit of deployment in Kubernetes. It is a single running container (Docker image), which is managed by a deployment. They are designed to be ephemeral, and easily scaled up or down.


A deployment is a set of pods (the running containers). The deployment manages the pods, and ensures that the desired number of pods are running at all times.


A service is a network endpoint that can be accessed by other pods. It is used to expose a deployment as a named endpoint, which can be accessed by other pods in the cluster, e.g: http://ov-wag/.


An ingress is a network endpoint that can be accessed by external clients. It is used to expose a service as a named endpoint, which can be accessed by clients outside the cluster.


We use Traefik as our ingress controller, which is configured to route incoming requests to the appropriate service. It also handles SSL termination, redirects HTTP requests to HTTPS, and allows for custom routing rules.


A configmap is a set of key-value pairs that can be accessed by pods. It is used to store configuration values that are needed by the pods.


A secret is a secure set of key-value pairs that can be accessed by pods. It is used to store sensitive configuration values that are needed by the pods.


A namespace is a group of resources that are deployed together. Namespaces are used to separate different deployments, like production and demo.


Currently, we deploy two namespaces:

  • ov Production
  • ov-demo Demo


Argo-CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.

It is configured to watch for changes in the main branch of this repository, and automatically deploy changes to the cluster.


Argo-CD is configured to deploy the following deployments:


The backend service, running the Wagtail CMS and API.


The frontend service, running the Remix server.


A non-production database service, running PostgreSQL.

Production Database

The production database is managed by AWS RDS, and is not deployed by Argo-CD.

Multiple Deployments

A deployment can be deployed multiple times to the same cluster, in different namespaces, with different configurations (e.g. different branches)

The two primary deployments go to the ov and ov-demo namespaces, but more could be added without affecting these.


The following are some definitions for some of the terms used in this guide:


The fully deployed stack, publicly available to all clients
Deployment is orchestrated through kubernetes.

Demo / Staging

A separate production stack, used to test changes and maintain a live working backup.
This will be available on a different domain than the production stack, running in a separate namespcae.


Continuous Integration. The process of automatically building and testing code changes.

GitHub Actions

This is done with GitHub Actions workflows defined in the .github/workflows folder of the ov-wag and ov-frontend repositories.

Builds are performed automatically on every push to the main branch, and on every pull request, tagged with pr-<number>.

Builds are performed regardless of tests passing or failing.


Continuous Deployment. The process of automatically deploying code changes to the production environment.


Deployments are managed by Argo-CD, which is configured to watch for changes in the main branch. When a change is detected, Argo-CD will pull the latest configuration from the repository, compare it against the running system, and if necessary, apply changes to the cluster.


Remix server delivering the HTML + Javascript code to the user.




Wagtail (Django) Headless CMS for admin content creation and management, and API to serve the frontend with content.




Database. Using PostgreSQL
Database image
  image: postgres:16-alpine


Traefik Reverse Proxy. Handles routing of incoming requests to the appropriate service. Also handles SSL termination, redirects HTTP requests to HTTPS, and allows for custom routing rules.

Call sequence

The following diagram describes the call sequence for incoming requests:

Client ->> Proxy: requests page
Proxy -->> Frontend: Traefik proxies request
Frontend ->> Backend: Frontend  fetches latest data from API
Backend ->> DB: Backend polls the database
DB ->> Backend: return database results
Backend ->> Frontend: return API results
Frontend ->> Proxy: return built page with latest results
Proxy -->> Client: return response